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Arrival of teachers and students of IMLS in Germany

From May 01 to May 23, 2022, some teachers and students of IMLS traveled to Regensburg, a city in Germany. There they received intensive musical training and prepared for exams, which they all passed successfully. They also played some concerts and got to know the culture in Germany.

Regensburg city tour

Cathedral St. Peter – a landmark for the city of Regensburg

Visit of the show “Mozart Morzart” in the theater Regensburg.

Boat trip to the Walhalla sight near Regensburg.

Excursion Walhalla: The temple was commissioned by the Bavarian King Ludwig I and is one of the most important German national monuments of the 19th century. 

Here are impressions from May 07 and 08: arranging a flash mob in the streets of Regensburg and making music for a church service.

– Trip to Erding: concert with and for students of a high school
– Trip to Munich Airport
– Sightseeing and tour in the Allianz Arena Munich

On the right side is another impression of a performance from the “Night of Music” in Regensburg.
The picture on the left side: The IMLS group with the mayor of Masaka, Ms Namayanja, in Regensburg.

Here come more impressions from the last days in Germany:
– Himbisa-Mukama concert in the church Hl. Dreifaltikeit
– Exams at the Haus der Musik Regensburg (House of Music Regensburg)
– Concert in the Neuhaussaal in the Theater Regensburg with awarding of the certificates from the practical and theoretical exams
– Final photo with the host families (before departure to Munich airport)

The stay of the group was coordinated and led by Dr. Joseph Wasswa and the director of the Sing- und Musikschule Regensburg, Mr. Graef, and the chairwoman of the Foerderverein fuer Musik und Kultur Uganda e.V., Mrs. Sophia Schaaf.

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