+256 200 901873           info@imls-uganda.org          Find us at Masaka


IMLS welcoming a special visitor

This month IMLS had the opportunity to host Madam Katja Allinger from the Freunde der Erziehungskunst Waldorf, the organization that is coordinating our weltwärts volunteers from Germany. Every year volunteers from Germany are coming for one year to support IMLS, especially by giving instrumental lessons but also through German or English lessons or helping in […]

Easter concert 2023

This Easter was pretty special for IMLS. We had the opportunity to host the German AAG-RTG Big Band from Regensburg-Nettenau and make music with them. They arrived on Saturday where they were welcomed by our troupe with the help from our volunteers. After touring the school they began practicing with the IMLS Brass Band. It […]

Celebrating International Women’s Day

On 08/03 was International Women’s Day and IMLS was celebrating it. To support our women in the community and give back for all the love we are getting from them everyday, IMLS marched to Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, maternity and children’s wards and distributed soap, toilet paper, clothes and much more to the mothers there. […]

End of holiday concert

Among our many programs, the holiday program is the most special one to us because we can give many kids and young adults the possibility to experience and enjoy music. Each kid can specialize in one instrument and will get additional music theory classes. We also offer a troupe and a choir for the kids […]

Inter-cultural orchestra concert

As part of the institution‘s programs, we have a volunteer program where volunteers train students especially in music. In that regard our volunteer Daniel Schuler organized an orchestra project. Its main goal was to bring together African and European music. The project was climaxed with an Orchestra performance held in the Stadema Hall at the […]

The water harvesting Project

Date 30th-August-2022 The water harvesting project  still underway and about to reach completion. Currently both water tanks have been installed into the ground and gutters connected from the building to channel water. Also water filters are being made to provide healthy and safe drinking water. The Integrated Sciences University team is very effective and resourceful […]

The skills exchange program at IMLS

On 10th August, we received students from the University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Germany under the engineering department. These ones are having an exchange program with the fellow engineering students at IMLS for a period of three weeks where they are sharing knowledge, skills and ideas mainly in  plumbing and installation. This has been possible […]

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