P.O. Box 1542 Masaka Tel: +256 200 90187 Email:info@imls-uganda.org

Partners and Supporters

IMLS and Friends Organisation

IMLS is a project of IMLS and Friends, a nonprofit making organisation. The organisation was founded in 2015. It started with an aim of instilling music skills into the children and youth, especially the poor and unprivileged who would otherwise never have a chance to gain these skills. Eventually, the organisation would then gain its goal of reducing unemployment and thus poverty eradication. Our Patron is Fr. Joseph Namukangula, a famous church musician, teacher and first Chairperson of IMLS & Friends.



Mission Statement:
Fostering music, language and culture
development among people of all walks of life.

Vision Statement:
To be the leading institution for
music & languages in Uganda

Core values:

  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Dedication
  • Transparency
  • Result oriented


  • To promote social and economic change among the youth through music, languages, business, vocational and technical skills coupled with talent exploration and promotion.
  • To curb unemployment and to rehabilitate the homeless youth through musical, technical and Vocational Projects.
  • To promote and preserve cultural values through literature, music, dance and drama.
  • To contribute to the fight against poverty through skilling, equipping and entrepreneurial funding to enable our graduates to maneuver their way to economic success.
  • To contribute to the world’s professional basket through continuous establishment and implementation of world standard programmes that will enable our graduates to always compete favorably at both local and international levels.
  • To produce internationally competent graduates through continuous benchmark and fostering of credible local and international affiliations.

Foerderverein fuer Musik und Kultur Uganda e.V.

Sophia Schaaf, FMK Germany Representative

The German NGO Foerderverein fuer Musik und Kultur Uganda e.V. (FMK Uganda e.V.) is located in Regensburg, Germany. It supports music and cultural development in Uganda especially at IMLS. The idea of creating IMLS was originally initiated by a Ugandan member of FMK Uganda e.V., Mr. Joseph Wasswa.

Sing and Music School of Regensburg

Wolfgang Graef, Head of the Sing and Music School of Regensburg

IMLS has had several exchange programs with the Sing and Music School of Regensburg headed by Mr. Wolfgang Graef. With this program, a lot of resources have been shared to IMLS such as music instruments, music knowledge among others. In the aspect of knowledge, 10 teachers from the Sing and Music School of Regensburg came and facilitated music workshops to IMLS students and teachers for four days each time they came in October 2018 and October 2019.

And for this year 2020, the exchange program was to continue with the Music School of Regensburg inviting 10 teachers and administrators for a one month music course at the Music School of Regensburg in Germany. The teachers were to travel from June to July this year, but due to the prevailing Covid 19 pandemic, the program was postponed to June/July 2021.



Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V.

The Friends of Waldorf Education founded in Germany supports free education worldwide, institutions that work on the basis of Waldorf education and promotes other social projects. Furthermore, the organisation has emergency pedagogy programs and is a large provider of volunteer services in Germany and abroad.

Since 2019, the IMLS has a partnership with the association Friends of Waldorf Education. Every year, the school recieves two volunteers through this program.


For all questions and innovations concerning the homepage of the IMLS we are always allowed to contact Jonas Ricken, who helps us with problems and supports us. Many thanks for this support.
Homepage of Jonas Ricken: www.kipitan.de

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