P.O. Box 1542 Masaka Tel: +256 200 90187 Email:info@imls-uganda.org

Apply Now


This form should be filled in Upper case and all academic records in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. This form must reach the office of the Academic Registrar one month before the commencement of a new quarter or  Semester

Note: You can apply online or download the Application form and submit it via our email address: imls.registry@gmail.com

Gender *
Marital Status
Father /Guardian Details
Mother/Guardian Details
Program Applied For
Sponsorship: *
Preffered Study Time
Primary Leaving Examinations


Result grade for the Following Subjects

UACE Certificate

Result grade for the following Subjects

Do you have any dissability?
Is there any medical Information that you would like the school to be aware of?
No file chosen

  • To qualify for Diploma enrollment one MUST possess at least ONE Principle and TWO subsidiaries at A’ Level and a minimum of FIVE passes at O’ level obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
  • To qualify for certificate enrollment one MUST have THREE PASSES at O’ level without restriction on subjects or its equivalent.
  • To qualify for the Uganda Junior Certificate or Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificate one should have sat and passed the Uganda Primary Living Examinations or else their enrollment will be under the Skills Development program by the Directorate of Industrial Training.
  • All students are subjected to either Internal or National examinations which constitute 60% and Mid Semester tests or Course works which constitute 40% and no student is allowed to sit for his / her papers before fully clearing the tuition and examination fees
  • All Ordinary Diploma and Certificate students shall be subjected to National Examinations which shall to be paid for at a fee as shall be periodically decided by the government through its line agencies.
  • Students and sponsors should note that all money once paid to the school shall never be refundable or transferable.

  • A semester runs for duration of (17weeks) of which the last 2 weeks are for the final examinations.
  • A quarter runs for duration of Three months (12weeks) of which the 12th week is for examinations.

The school provides accommodation facilities to resident students however external students can be helped to locate affordable accommodation facilities from the nearby hostels and tenancies.

Resident students are entitled to 3 meals per day whereas external students who wish to have their meals at school are supposed to pay for them on semester basis at a fee as shall be deiced by the school. 

  • Photo copy of National identity card or any valid identity card (driving permit, passport etc)
  • A National birth Certificate (obtained from NIRA) or provisional Birth Certificate (Obtained at the SubCounty) all accompanied by original copies.
  • Two colored Passport size photograph with a white back ground.
  • Photocopies of P.L.E, U.C.E and UACE Certificates or their equivalent (accompanied by original copies).
  • Copies of all previous professional qualifications documents.

For school rules, regulations and policies obtain a copy from the secretary or download one from the school website, read and sign to acknowledge your acceptance for abidance after which a copy of your signed rules should be handed in to the Academic registrar for filing. 

    • Use the School account Details to Pay for the Application
    • (Account Name: IMLS AND FRIENDS)
    • (Account Number: 3100061225)
    • (Application Fees: Shs.30,000/=)
    • Application fee is Non refundable payment made and is paid once
    • You will be contacted immediately upon approval of the academic details provided
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