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Music Department
Language Department and DIT Courses
Vocational, Business & Technical Courses
Music Department
Instruments & Music Theory
Music Theory
Music Theory
Music Theory has been introduced in response to many needs as a support for all music aspects. It deals simply with things that must be known in a correct and simple way. Matters such as clefs, scales, major and minor key signatures, inversions, time values, time signatures of notes and rests among others need to be known and understood because they are essential elements of music. It is of course for this reason that the majority of popular success musicians in the whole word deal with these elements which require greater musical creativity, knowledge and insight. It is important to note how this Music Theory is important. It is not only intended for examination purposes but provides exercises for practice and proves to be virtual to music students of all ages and abilities since it is a language.
At IMLS we have two lesson sessions on Monday 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Friday 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 pm.
French Horn
French Horn
Since the 1930s this instrument is known simply as the “Horn” in some professional music circles.
It’s a brass instrument made of tubing wrapped into a coil with a flared bell. It’s also a brass instrument with the widest note range. The most noble sounding of the brass instruments in classical music is the French Horn with a full rock tone.
Its an accompanying instrument and at the same time improvises in jazz music. To learn this instrument, one requires ability to practice.
French Horn students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
The thrill of the Ugandan music produced by our Traditional Musical Instruments is incomparably unspeakable. At IMLS, we train most of the musical gadgets or instruments used to produce the richly interesting music that is produced in Uganda. Some of these musical instruments can be played solo. Some can be played along with others too. However the combination of them all gives you the thrilling sound that makes Africa referred to as the home of Beauty and Uganda the pearl of Africa. Below are some of these Traditional Instruments that we teach at IMLS:
Engalabi (Long drum) This percussion instrument is a traditional drum with its head made of reptile skin stretched and nailed to a wooden sound body. It produces sound through vibration of the stretched skin. The Engalabi in Buganda is so important and is used in big ceremonies and in theater acts. It is played using bare hands and may be played along with other shorter drums (Engoma) to produce sweetness of the combined sounds.
Engoma/Drums As far as music production is concerned, in Africa drums are known as the force that ignites performance. The boost and the rhythm! Since music in the African tradition is not merely about entertainment only, it ultimately avails to visual and dramatic arts as well as the larger fabric of life. Drums may be used for “talking,” that is, sending information and signals by imitating speech. Drumming music and dance are almost always an accompaniment for any manner of ceremony; birth, marriages, funerals. Drums are harbors that Africans are well proud of. Come to IMLS and learn to entertain others or get entertained through the different drums that we have.
Akadongo/Thumb Piano The Baganda call it “akadongo kabaluru” or “little instrument of the Alur tribe” from the northwest Nile region. In Uganda the instrument is usually played solo, perhaps to relieve a traveler’s solitary trek or a night caretaker’s long watch. The instrument accompanies a repertoire of “songs for thought,” or laments, sung by both men and women.
Endongo/Entongoli/Bowl Lyre/Harp Lute The term Ndongo refers to the right-string Bowl Lyre of the Baganda, the most commonly known tribe of people living in Uganda. In the musical tradition of the Baganda, the ndongo is one of the oldest string musical instruments, second only to the ennanga (8-string arched harp). However, a steady decline in use of the ennanga as a folk instrument has been noticed and instead, the Ndongo has gradually replaced it.
Adungu/Enanga/Bow Harp/Arched Harp This is an eight stringed sweet sound developer. These eight strings are attached inside a wooden built in hollow like semi circled with a wooden cover still on top. In Teso, it is called Adungu, the Baganda call it Ennanga and many others. This is used by several tribes in their cultures like the Alur of Northern Uganda, the Lugbara and Ondrosi in northwestern region around the Nile. It is used to accompany epic and lyrical songs but can as well be used as a solo instrument. Visit IMLS and learn how to sound this instrument.
Endingidi/Tube Fiddle It is a one string fiddle best used in the Buganda, Busoga, Ankole, Kigezi, western Nile, and Acholi regions. It consists of a single string, which is attached to a flexible stick and will sometimes have a resonator. Unlike other single-string instruments, it is played with a bow.
Enkwanzi/Panpipe This wind instrument mostly comes from the Busoga region. It is made from elephant grass or bamboo. They are stopped flutes, meaning that the node of the plant stops the hollow tube and thus determines the pitch of the pipe. The tubes are arranged from lowest to highest and laced together with string. The open rim at the top of each tube is cut at a right angle to the tube so that the player may blow across the top, like blowing across a bottle. This panpipe has at least five pipes. The melodic possibilities of the panpipe and other sets of flutes perhaps influenced the development of flutes with finger holes.
Amadinda/Xylophone This instrument features two ‘shoulders’ carved into the bottom of the instrument, allowing for the keys to stay fixed when they are placed onto the wooden resonant chamber below. The Amadinda is designed to be played by two musicians simultaneously – both sitting on either side of the instrument and striking the keys with wooden beaters.
Ensaasi/Enseege/Shakers Shakers are made in pairs from gourds or shells, sometimes with stick handles, and are used to accompany other traditional instruments in Uganda. The central and northern regions have shakers that produce a continuous sound as beads move from side to side in the gourd or shell. Generally, these shakers produce sounds by many small objects, such as pebbles, rattling together inside the body.
Endege Endege are ankle bells worn around the ankles by able bodied men and women to accentuate their movements. Fabricated from metal, the gear is worn during dances to celebrate the birth of twins, marriage ceremonies, funeral rites and any other cultural event. Dancers frequently have these metal jingles tied on their ankles to articulate their movements.
Ebinyege/Rattles These originate in Bunyoro and Batooro in Western Uganda along the roots of mountain Rwenzori. The seeds are put in these dry fruits to produce rhythmic patterns when shaken. Ebinyege are tied on the males legs to produce the sound and the Runyege dance (courtship dance of the Batooro) is named after the ebinyege, hence an important prop.
At IMLS, traditional instruments are taught every Friday afternoon from 3:00p.m to 5:00 p.m. Register with us today.
Voice and Choir doesn’t need any instruments, no power and no other equipment. It’s all about using our body and the gift of our voice. Everyone can sing but as every other instrument, the voice needs practice. The fundamental importance of Voice Training is to find a healthy and good way of singing but also to feel and enjoy the music.
Singing and music is all about coming together and sharing the love which music can give us. In addition to individual singing lessons, there is an option to participate in choir rehearsals, where the student can use his knowledge to enrich the IMLS Choir.
It is one of brass instruments with a big mouth piece where air flows through the instrument. The Tuba is an accompaniment instrument, but can sometimes though not so often improvise.
The lips are vibrated to make sound, and it has three valves which are used to change the pitch, which ranges from low to medium. To learn this instrument, it requires interpretative ability and willingness to practice. At IMLS we provide one on one individual lessons for easy progress and learning capability.
Tuba students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
This is one of the brass instruments which uses slide positioning and air flow through the instrument by vibration of the lips. It slides to change position and pitch of sound from low to high.
It is an accompanying instrument and at the same time a melodic instrument. It is played in orchestra, matching bands, big bands, swing bands and jazz ensembles. It is a very versatile instrument which can play any style.
The Trombone plays an important role of balancing the high sounds of the Trumpet with the rest of the motions in modern orchestra. It requires interpretative ability willingness to practice.
Trombone students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
The Djembe (pronounced as ‘jem-beh’) is a musical instrument from West Africa. It is part of a group of instruments called membranophones, or drums. It is made of a hollow wood body, with skin fastened over the top. The skin is traditionally rawhide, such as goat or cow skin. Modern djembes often use synthetic skins. The skin is tightly stretched over the shell using metal rings and rope. The tightly stretched skin creates a sound when it is struck. It is played by hitting it with one’s hands and fingers. The drum is usually played in groups, consisting of other djembes, bass drums and percussion such as shakers and bells. It is often accompanied by dancing. At IMLS the djembe was introduced by a German volunteer Maximilan Zirbs in January 2019.
Lessons are scheduled for Tuesdays from 05:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m.
The Violoncello, also called Cello, is a big instrument with a deep sound. It is ideal to play solo parts as well as in combination with other instruments like Violin, Piano, Guitar, Drums and many more. It is used as a base instrument, so while playing with others, the Cello play the deep baseline. In the lessons at IMLS the pupils will learn both, playing songs and playing together with other instruments.
In Europe you can find the Cello in every orchestra and it is a very important instrument in the world of music. It is also not only used for classic music, but even for jazz, pop and rock. While the lessons in the IMLS-building are focused on one by one teaching, we do have the outreach program, wherein we teach the children in theirs schools in small groups. In the holiday programs we also teach in groups, which is a good way of learning how to play together.
The Cello is for everyone, children as well as adults, and the lessons are of course adjusted to the age. We try to provide one thing the most: Learning the instrument while enjoying every step, even the simple beginning and leaving the lesson with a heart full of joy!
A Flute is a musical instrument that produces sound when a stream of air is directly against the edge of a hole, causing the air within the body of the instrument to vibrate.
The most Flutes are tubular, but some are globular or other shapes. It is a family of musical instruments in the wood wind group unlike wood wind instruments with reeds. It is mainly used in orchestras and big bands for classical performance and contemporary music. Because of its smoothness, it can play higher registers and lower registers.
Flute students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
A Recorder is in a family of woodwind musical instruments. It originates from a group called Internal duct flutes – flutes with a whistle mouthpiece. It’s composed of tone holes or thumb holes that function in the production of sound.
At IMLS, we teach the Recorder according to grades, ranging from Preparatory Grade One to higher grades. Lessons are conducted regardless of age and gender basically focusing on inculcating the skill of playing the instrument in all styles of music, jazz, classical, popular music etc. This enables many students to discover their musical talent and have more exposure. Recorder lessons are also conducted in the outreach schools where our teachers commute to convey music lessons, both theory and practical.
Functionality: The Recorder is composed of the thumb holes or tone holes that when you cover one of them you produce a different tone according to the key that is played. It is held starting with the left hand covering the first three holes with three fingers and the remaining tone holes are covered with the right hand moving downward. Note: This instrument is not meant for the young ones as many say or think, it’s also played on a professional level and more so it’s examined under the musical instruments in different countries all over the world at different levels of education. Anyone can register for the recorder as a main instrument then instructed respectively. At the end of each study session or grade, a concert is held at the school as a way of evaluating and building confidence in the learners. As a way of creating harmony and coordination, advanced students at IMLS are able to teach the beginning students and share their experience so as to motivate them.
It is a woodwind instrument usually made of brass and played with a single-reed month piece.
Although most Saxophones are made from brass, they are categorised as woodwind instruments, because sound is produced by an oscillating reed, traditionally made out of woods cane, rather than vibratiing in a mouthpiece cupar with the brass instruments family. With other woodwind instruments, the pitch of the note being played is controlled by covering the holes in the body tube to control the resonant frequency at the air Colum by changing the effective length at the tube.
The player covers holes by pressing mechanical keys trigging a system of pads, privots and linkages.
The Saxophone is used in classical music (such as concert bands, chamber music, solo repertoire and occasionally orchestras) military bands, marching bands, jazz such as big bands and jazz combos as well as contemporary music. It is also used as a solo and melody instrument or as a member of a horn section in some styles of rock and roll and popular music. Saxophone players are called saxophonists.
The modern Saxophone family consists entirely of instruments in the Bb-Eb series, historical and experimental instruments. Not with standing. The Saxophone with widest use and availability are the soprano, alto, tenor and baritone Saxophones.
Saxophone students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
A Clarinet falls under the family of woodwind instrument. It has a single reed mouthpiece, a straight, cylindrical tube with an almost cylindrical bore, and a flared bell.
Here at IMLS students on their first Clarinet encounter are taught how to handle and play the instrument as explained below:
When playing it air is blown through the instrument covering the holes to change the pitch. To play the Clarinet you need to have good breathing ability and the willingness to practice regularly.
The Guitar is one of the most played instruments in the world. It is a string instrument as it has six different strings but it sounds very different compared to a violin or a cello.
The Guitar is used in many different genres of music, from Spanish flamenco and jazz music to classical music. Furthermore the Guitar is the best choice for accompanying camp fire songs as its easy to take everywhere. This instrument doesn’t need any electricity nor a big amount of space. You can just carry it around and take it out wherever you want to play.
This is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments. It can also be called a Contraption, which defines the collection of drums and other percussion instruments. The drum kit is a part of the standard rhythm section, used in many types of popular and traditional music styles ranging from rock and pop to blues and jazz.
A snare drum, mounted on a standard stand placed between the players knees and played with drums stick which may include rutes or brushers. A bass drum, it is composed of a pedal operated by the right foot which moves or felt covered beater. One or more toms are played with sticks or brushes usually three toms, rack tom 1, 2 and the floor tom. A hi-hat (two cymbals mounted on a stand), played with the sticks is opened or closed with left foot pedal and played with sticks. It can also produce sound with the foot alone during the course of playing the kits.
A Trumpet is a brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The Trumpet group ranges from the piccolo Trumpet with the highest register in the brass family, to the brass bass, which is pitched one octave below the standard. The most common type of Trumpet is Bb Trumpet, meaning that if the player plays C it will sound a Bb in concert pitch. The Trumpet is played by blowing into the mouth piece and making a buzzing sound. There are three keys called valves that the player can press to change the pitch. And also sound by lip movement.
At IMLS we offer Trumpet lessons and practice depending on level an grade. We teach all kinds of music like contemporary, classical and jazz vocabularies. During a period of one year, the number of Trumpet students has progressively increased up to 40.
Trumpet students at the IMLS also play in the Brass Band. Thereby they learn to play music together and how to work on a piece in a group.
The Violin is a member of the string instruments. It is a multifaceted instrument – if pop or classical music, rock or jazz, playful or emotional pieces, you can perform any type of music! And performing music by yourself makes you feel happy.
At IMLS, everybody is welcome! You can start playing the Violin as a child but also as an adult. We offer private lessons as well as group lessons to teach our students the various techniques of playing the Violin in the best possible way.
So come to the IMLS to play your music on the Violin!
Piano, also called Klavier in German, is a keyboard musical instrument with large wooden case enclosing a sound board and metal strings. This instrument produces sound when the stings are struck by hammers while the keys are pressed down.
At IMLS, Piano lessons are designed to cater for all ages and backgrounds.
The school offers mainly classical piano class though contemporary/popular/gospel keyboard techniques are also available for students who are interested.
IMLS Adult Choir was initiated in 2018 to bring together and serve the singers and lovers of music in Masaka and surrounding areas by introducing to them techniques in: – Choir training – Voice training – Performance – Sight singing The Choir started with 9 members and now has 16 active members to date.
Future plan: – To perform our 1st concert with the Brass Band Choir from Germany and September performance in one of the church cathedrals in Masaka area. – Performing at different functions such as weddings, graduation, ordination among others. – Our performances to be broadcast and updated onto our website.
The IMLS Adult Choir so far makes practice once a week, that is Friday 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
The IMLS Children’s Choir gives the children the chance to sing and learn new songs in a group. Together they can find a way to sing and sound nice as well as learning to take care for each other and interact in a group. Besides, the children can have lots of fun while singing together.
At IMLS we offer all kinds of Brass Band instruments. And we have so far managed to set 100 students over the period of two years.
It’s a blessing to everyone who is interested in learning brass band instruments plus the brass musicology and also learning more jazz techniques, classical and contemporary music.
All students and extern individuals who have acquired skills in a wind instrument can be part of the IMLS Brass Band.
The IMLS Orchestra gives the students a possibility to share the knowledge of their individual instrument with many other instrumentalists. All together, they can produce a unique and full sound which everyone enjoys. Music is all about coming together and playing in a group. An orchestra is the best possibility for that.
All students and extern individuals who have acquired skills in an instrument can be part of the Symphonic Orchestra.
IMLS Children’s Troupe is a group of young children who work together to perform dances as a form of entertainment. The troupe performs a varity of different cultural dances which have different means:
The kiganda dance commonly known as Bakisimba; is a six –by eight multi- rhythm, featuring a dialogue and discussion of instruments both melodic and percussive. Melodies are sung and played on top of this strong rhythm and later a dance. It is one of the most popular and recognized and rhythms and dances in Uganda.
Otwenge dance It is commonly known as the adungu dance, this is the traditional dance of the Alur people in the otwenge song which literally means the elbow. Apart from the two dances we also perform the alakalaka dance, Olunyenge dance, and the ekitagululo dance and the Ekizino dance.
Uganda as a multilingual country has over forty local languages. English being the official language, bridges the gap between all the local languages in Uganda. At IMLS English is taught to children and adults who did not earlier get a chance to attain formal education.
We focus a beginner English student on learning essential vocabulary such as family names, household objects, basic adjectives, and place names. Beginners are also becoming familiar with subject pronouns, frequently used verbs, and modal expressions. They may study some grammar and syntax, but these lessons will mostly focus on basic concepts, such as asking questions or constructing simple sentences.
From experience, we have noticed that most of our English students are not total beginners, as they have had some exposure to English, whether through movies and music or basic school lessons during younger years.
English lessons are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday at 04:00p.m.
Swahili language dates from the contacts of Arabian traders with the inhabitants of the east coast of Africa over many centuries. It is a Bantu language and the first language of the Swahili people. Under Arab influence, Swahili (native name – Kiswahili) originated as a lingua franca of the African Great Lakes region and other parts of East and Southern Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, some parts of Malawi, Somalia, Zambia, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Being spoken by over 100 million people in Africa so it’s pretty hard to ignore a language that’s spoken by so many people. It is one of the official languages in the East African community and African Union, next to English. It is a language of influence politically, economically and socially, and a knowledge of it can deepen business relationships.
Of recent, the government of Uganda considered introducing compulsory Swahili lessons in primary school and secondary schools across the country.
When used to Eurocentric languages, it might be a surprise to learn that in Swahili, plurals are formed by changing the beginning of a word, rather than the ending. For example, a singular teacher is mwalimu and multiple teachers are walimu. One shoe is kiatu, but many shoes are viatu.
Expect to learn those and much more when you join our Kiswahili classes at IMLS. Classes are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00p.m.
Since IMLS has its roots in Germany and that one of our objectives is to bridge the gap between cultures, German language is one of the foreign languages introduced to all groups of people, young and adults.
Learning the German language increases one’s life options because it enables them acquire a range of skills which can improve the quality of both their work and private life.
Our curriculum is based on the Goethe Zentrum and we provide our students with teaching and learning material, as well as interesting ideas for their lessons. We offer courses for levels ranging from A1 to C2.
Exercises involve both audio and video clips which enable students to enhance their skills of leaning by listening, writing and speaking. German lessons at IMLS are taught on Friday at 5:00 p.m. and Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
This is one of the local language spoken in the most parts of Uganda and its now officially taught in most of the secondary schools, and more so the schools that are located in Buganda region are the ones on taking this program of teaching this language. As the struggle continues to educate individuals from different parts of the country, even the Uganda National Curriculum Development (NCDC) designs a teaching curriculum for that language.
Not leaving out the German volunteers at International School of Music, Language and Polytechnic Studies (IMLS), we also have this language taught to them to help them stay comfortable in the country Uganda in terms of communication. This has developed a good condussive environment for the German volunteers to stay in a joyous moment at IMLS and in other parts of Uganda where they happen to reach since communication is solved by teaching them Luganda language. As everyone is waiting to hear from the muzungu that ‘’wasuzotyasseboobannyabo’’ it sounds every funny for the muzungu’s first time to say greetings in Luganda.
This language is not only taken on by the Germany volunteers, but also the fellow Ugandans that want to learn more about Luganda language, IMLS also happen to receive applications from different parts of the continent who organize for the Luganda lessons and they have interest in learning this language. Though this language is a little bit difficult and hard when it comes to writing and reading of the Luganda text because of the rules that guide it, still those learning this Luganda language are given different means of simplifying the speaking part of it through practicing every day. We still welcome as many individuals who want to join this Luganda lesson at IMLS. Many books are written to teach Luganda language and some of these books are ‘’Zonnampayimpayi, Ebyobuwangwa Y’emunyenye Y’eggwanga by Walabyeki Magoba’’ and many authors are writing to teach more about Luganda through poems, plays, songs and in other means.
At IMLS, this language is taught by Muddu John Mary, a qualified degree teacher in Luganda and ICT from Muteesa 1 Royal University
Masaka and a music teacher as well.
DIT Courses
Electronics Technology
Electronics Technology
This training produces technicians with ability to apply scientific principles in the diagnosis, repair, installation and service of complex electronic equipment, including digital audio and video players, navigation systems, and security systems, Radios, Televisions, Solar Systems, Motors and Mobile Phones. Because electronic devices and equipment constitute a big percentage of the day to day Work Simplification gadgets, the demand for Electronics technicians keeps rising day by day. So as technology advances, the reign of Electronics over the world is further consolidated.
Welding and Metal Fabricat…
Welding and Metal Fabrication
This course is aimed at producing artisans with practical skills to design and create metal crafts and furniture by cutting and bending and using TIG (TungstenInert Gas) and Stick for bonding. The trainee should be competent to carry out repair and maintenance work on metal structures of various alloys.
At the end of this course, the trainee should be able to develop practical working habbitsin handling of tools, materials and equipment used in welding andmetal fabrication processes. The trainee should have developed a skill in drawing, reading andinterpreting working drawings.
Computer Training, Business Education and Communication skills are taught in order to equip the trainees with cross cutting access to the Metal Craft Business.
Automotive Mechanics
Automotive Mechanics
Trainees of this programme are equipped with Skills to perform maintenance, diagnostic testing, repairs and inspections of small trucks and cars. Areas of occupation include panel beating and Spraying, engines technology, transmissions and electronic systems such as steering, brakes, and accident-avoidance systems. Additionally Computer, Entrepreneurship and English Language are taught in order to equip the trainees with effective communication and business acumen.
This course is designed to equip the learners with knowledge and skills in bakery, preparing First Foods, professional Dishes both local and continental andBusiness management. The training is inclusive of ICT Training, Entrepreneurship Development, English Language and Basic Swahili in order to produce a local and internally appealing person. Students who complete this programme graduate as Caterers with the practical capacity to start own Confectionary or Cooking Business or find employment in various hotels or food companies.
Hair Dressing
Hair Dressing
This course is designed to equip the learners with knowledge and skills in Hair Styling, Braiding and Treatment and introduces them to advanced levels in beauty therapy and Cosmetics Technology. It includes Hair Cutting, Hair Braiding, Hair Styling, English Language, Entrepreneurship Development and ICT.
This course is designed to equip the learners with knowledge and skills in Clothes making and introducing them to more advanced levels of Garment Designing and Construction. It includes Tailoring Technology, Pattern Drafting, Cutting, Machine Sewing, and English Language and ICT. Students who complete this programme graduate as Tailors with ability to start own Tailor Shops or even work as Professional Tailors in other Garment Centers.
Vocational, Business & Technical Courses
Photography and Videography
Photography and Videography
The Program takes duration of 2 years and consists of lectures, tutorials, demonstrations, multimedia projects (graphics design, interactive web design, 2D/3D modelling, animation and imaging, video editing and composition, multimedia authoring and compression).
The Programme is designed to introduce students to multimedia systems, tools and technologies and their application in creating multimedia products.
Benefits of the Program The students at IMLS will acquire special skills, and work in multimedia production industry (advertising, entertainment, print news media, publishing industry, web industry, fashion and interior design, e-learning, cartoon production) as multimedia experts and animators (multimedia designer, animation artist, 3D graphics designer, multimedia programmer). The acquired special skills will include:
– Create textures, visual effects and digital models – Perform video editing, animation, and 3D modelling – Operate multimedia equipment – Design and implement Multimedia Products (presentations, games etc.). – Create jobs in Multimedia sector (Set up, manages, and maintains small Multimedia workshops for design solutions)
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
At IMLS, there is a possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Photography and Videography. However there is an enrolment limit for each level.
Certificate Course
The entry requirement for students who would wish to enrol for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Diploma Course
For direct entry scheme, candidates must possess at least a principal pass in either Physics or Mathematics obtained at the same sitting. Or In-service ICT professionals or bachelor’s degree in physical sciences.
Target Group
The targeted group includes holders of: – Holders of UACE [A Level] in Science subjects [especially Mathematics/Physics] or its equivalent. – In-service ICT Professionals with relevant Certificate qualifications from recognised institutions.
Art & Design
Art & Design
This programme takes duration of 2 years and Students will typically have chosen two disciplines from the range of art and design media available, including painting, photography, graphic design, computers in design, textiles and surface design, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture and video, exploring different techniques and modes of creativity to develop their own styles and techniques.
The Certificate and Diploma in Art & Design Aims of the Exploratory Stage: This exploratory stage is where the student learns to understand the aims of the qualification and become familiar with its purpose and content.
Students will be encouraged to research contemporary, historical and cultural contexts and precedents and to begin to relate their own emerging practices to others’ work and the stage will introduce the students to the attitudes and processes that will enable them to foster their own creativity and engage in self-reliant learning.
Promise We do send our learners for industrial training at the end of the course in different companies/workshops for experience and exposure and some are being retained. We also do production where we produce different types of artwork for our clients and for the school.
Certificate Course
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course. – Ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits. – Short courses are also offered i.e. one year for those who need practical skills.
Diploma Course
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course. – At least a principal pass in either Physics or Mathematics or technical drawing obtained at the same sitting or a certificate in art and design or bachelor’s degree in physical sciences. – Short courses are also offered i.e. one year for those who need practical skills.
Target Group
The targeted group includes holders of: – Advanced Level Certificate of Education – Certificate in art and design – Diplomas in Engineering and other related Science and Technology fields
Early Childhood Development
Early Childhood Development
Certificate Course
This programme takes duration of 2 years and provides a strong background in early childhood education and liberal arts. The curriculum integrates coursework with hands-on exposure to an innovative and progressive curriculum for young children and direct experience in a variety of early childhood settings. With a dedicated Early Childhood Education Lab classroom and transfer pathway to this programme, IMLS is the place to start or advance your career in early childhood education and care!
For students wishing to pursue the course, they will have to do school practice at every end of the year of study from schools selected by the Department.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Strictly those who have finished Ordinary level and have passed English and Mathematics.
Ability to sing or play any western music instrument (we recommend the Guitar and prior lessons can be organised through special arrangements at IMLS)
Short courses are also offered i.e. one year for those who are already in the field and would need to work on their teaching skills.
Diploma Course
The two-year Early Childhood Education Diploma prepares a student to become an educator of children in a variety of early learning settings. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to work with families and other professionals to support children`s learning and development. This program provides the student with the ability to create, implement and assess play-based curricula while building stimulating child-centred environments.
The student benefits from both theoretical and hands-on learning opportunities assist in providing guidance to children while planning, implementing and evaluating programs. Through the student’s placements, they will gain valuable hands-on skills and experience to help them understand the diverse roles, settings, and responsibilities of an Early Childhood Educator.
For students wishing to pursue the course, they will have to do school practice at every end of the year of study from schools selected by the Department.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Strictly those who have finished advanced level with at least two principle passes or a certificate in early childhood education from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Ability to sing or play any western music instrument. (We recommend the Guitar and prior lessons can be organised through special arrangements at IMLS.)
This program is well-suited for students who:
Have strong observational and analytical skills.
Enjoy working as a member of a team.
Have strong language (oral and written) skills.
Are self-reliant and enjoy challenges.
Are interested in child development and teaching children through Music, Dance and Drama.
Are comfortable using computers and other forms of technology.
Enjoy working with children and their families.
Have effective interpersonal skills.
Carpentry and Joinery
Carpentry and Joinery
We do send our learners for industrial training at the end of the course in different companies/workshops for experience and exposure and some are being retained. We also do production where we produce different types of furniture for our clients and for the centre, for example, doors and door frames, kitchen units, wardrobes, all kinds of chairs, dining tables, office furniture etc.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and it aims at providing practical skills to the community and thus encouraging job creation. It enables students to have enough time on hands-on. It is open to everyone. Learners do two categories of exams i.e. formal and non-formal exams not forgetting the internal exams and they are awarded certificate at the end of the course.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Strictly those who have finished Ordinary level and have passed English and Mathematics.
Short courses are also offered i.e. one year for those who need practical skills.
Diploma Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and a student is expected to carry out woodwork jobs on sites and be able to make joinery items in the workshop efficiently. The course is therefore designed to develop these skills to make the trainee proficient in the wood working trade.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At least a principal pass in either Physics or Mathematics or technical drawing obtained at the same sitting. Or advanced craft certificate or bachelor’s degree in physical sciences.
Short courses are also offered i.e. one year for those who need practical skills.
The targeted group includes holders of:
Advanced Level Certificate of Education
Advanced/Full Technological Certificates in Engineering and other related Science and Technology fields
Diplomas in Engineering and other related Science and Technology fields
Cosmetology & Hair Dr…
Cosmetology & Hair Dressing
Cosmetology and hair dressing takes duration of 2 years and is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills of designing hair and general management of beauty of both women and men. It introduces students to the way and means of ensuring hair and body care and protection. It prepares them to become hair and beauty designers and skin care managers. It will enable them became hair, beauty and skin care specialists.
Goal: The department will train professional skilled and knowledgeable hairdressers, beauty therapists and cosmetologist’s worth of local and international recognition for their technical abilities.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate in Cosmetolgy & Hair Dressing or a Diploma in Cosmetology. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
Students willing to join this course must have a minimum qualification of Ordinary level certificate or junior certificate or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess Uganda Advanced Certificate of education (UACE) with a Principle pass or a certificate in hair dressing or its equivalent.
Fashion and Design
Fashion and Design
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Fashion and Design. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and introduces the student to fundamental design skills through a range of creative projects which will build his/her knowledge of the design, research and construction processes, fabrics, and garment construction. At the end of the course, the learner will have an understanding on how to start and run his/her own fashion design business profitably.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in two years of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Students willing to join this course must have a minimum qualification of Ordinary level certificate or junior certificate or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and a student will learn the art of sewing, fabric selection, garment construction, fabric handling techniques, applying knowledge of fabric, coordinating colour and texture, monitoring quality and fit, and fashion sketching, marketing techniques and retail fashion production. Relevant practical exercises and projects are introduced throughout the course aimed at applying the theory and skills learnt. This course prepares you for the real world of the design professional. At the end of the course, the learner will have an understanding on how to start and run his/her own fashion design business profitably.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possessUganda Advanced Certificate of education (UACE) with a Principle pass or a certificate in fashion and designing or its equivalent.
Hotel and Institutional Ca…
Hotel and Institutional Catering
Certificate Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and the department will offer the specialized training required to obtain the different managerial positions within hotel since hotels are increasingly looking at educational background and experience to make their decisions. At the end of the course the student will have a wider knowledge in Food and Beverage service (practical and theory), Food and nutrition, Food production (practical and theory), Hygiene and microbiology, Front-office operation, etc.
Our goal: To equip the students with specialised training, knowledge and skills in Hotel Management required for the Hotel and tourism Industry.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Students willing to join this course must have a minimum qualification of Ordinary level certificate or junior certificate or its equivalent.
Tourism and Hotel Management
Tourism and Hotel Management
Diploma Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and is intended for individuals who are passionate and sold-out to the industry of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality and are interested in obtaining extensive knowledge and practical skills related to the industry. The program targets individuals who will work as professional Tour Operators, Travel Consultants, Supervisors, Licensed Tour Guides, Hotel Managers, etc. This program of studies will primarily focus on the skills and competencies required by travel agents and tour operators and will also cover macro aspects of this dynamic industry including the Hotel Management. There is a high demand for professional human resources in the tourism and hospitality industry in the world. Studying this course opens many doors to work in any country all over the world.
Goal: To equip the students with specialised training, knowledge and skills in Hotel Management required for the Hotel and tourism Industry.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess Uganda Advanced Certificate of education (UACE) with a Principle pass or a certificate in hotel and institutional catering or its equivalent.
Computer Studies
Computer Studies
General Certificate
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a General Certificate in Computer Studies.
This course takes duration of three months and provides students with basic knowledge of the computer. They will be able to understand most of the computer programmes like Microsoft word, excel, power point, internet applications and many more.
This will help them apply this knowledge in the day to day life when at work.
Note: The programme is complementary, and it is compulsory to all students taking up different courses.
Information & Communi…
Information & Communication Technology
The Courses in Information & Communication Technology takes duration of two years and provides students with a strong foundation in developing robust application systems for businesses, computer assembly repair and maintenance; and website design. Students are equipped with essential knowledge about Information Systems processes and provided with the technical skills required to harness the power of information and Internet technologies.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Information & Communication Technology. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate computer studies or IT from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
This course takes duration of 2 years and recognises the growing importance of Journalism, Public Relations and Media Management in Uganda and the world at large. The course seeks to give students the opportunity to develop skills essential for working in the world of Media and Communications. The course also provides students with the opportunity to understand the role of media and communications in Uganda and other parts of the world. As well as examining contemporary media structures and developments, the course provides historical context for these developments.
The course is also expected to impart in students effective management of the media, marketing and corporate communications, which are crucial to achieving mutual understanding between organisations and their stakeholders. This course, underpinned by communications and customer behaviour theory, provides a strategic approach to managing communications that builds upon an understanding of the promotional mix.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course:
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course:
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in journalism and media studies from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Secretarial Studies
Secretarial Studies
The programme takes duration of 2 years and it is designed to produce competent secretaries, managers in secretarial duties and front officers and office administration. The programme is designed to educate students to understand office equipment, machines, furniture and be able to process and store documents in the office. Students would be exposed to a range of secretarial and management skills that are useful to succeed in the current secretarial environment.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Secretarial Studies. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in secretarial studies from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Customs, Clearing & F…
Customs, Clearing & Forwarding
This is a two years programme in Clearing and Forwarding Management focussing on the Custom Clearing and Forwarding environment. It aims at equipping students with operational skills and knowledge which would enable them to effectively carry out functions related to clearing and forwarding. It is suited for learners already employed in the industry or for those wishing to embark on a career in Customs Clearing and Forwarding. It is also suited to Importers and Exporters who wish to know more about the role their Customs, Clearing and Forwarding Agents play in the handling of shipments and customs clearing and forwarding procedures.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Customs, Clearing and Forwarding. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
The course takes duration of 2 years and students will benefit from new Marketing Management knowledge and skills that facilitate positive change of attitudes towards efficiency and effectiveness in enterprise management.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Marketing. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Business Studies
Business Studies
This Course takes duration of 2 years it’s appropriate for students who wish to acquire knowledge in business and management. Graduates of the Programme have a formidable capacity to solve complex business problems with enormous creativity and innovation. The blend of the course content exposes the student to an international business outlook from a Ugandan context and the world at large.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate in Business Managementor a Diploma in Business Administration. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
The programme takes duration of 2 years and is intended for participants wishing to gain a practical foundation in the major components of the discipline and to enable them to develop financial literacy skills. The Accounting and Finance sector is growing and there is a growing gap in the manpower requirements at all levels.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate or a Diploma in Accountancy. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
Students who successfully complete this programme will have a good understanding of Accounting and it will open the door for them to upgrade to any business field of their own choice at a diploma level.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
Students who successfully complete this programme will have a good understanding of Accounting and Finance and will be competent to take up accounting and finance management positions in business and other different organizations.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Procurement & Supplie…
Procurement & Supplies Management
At IMLS there is the possibility to acquire a Certificate in Procurement and Supplies Management or a Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management. There are different conditions for each.
Certificate Course
The programme takes duration of 2 years and it is designed to provide students with a strong background in areas of procurement, stores management, supply chain management, logistics management and other related fields.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess ordinary level certificate with at least 5 credits or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
Diploma Course
This programme takes duration of 2 years and is designed to offer professional training in various aspects of procurement and supply chain management and to produce highly skilled graduates with best practices in the industry. It enables students to explore procurement in relation with other functions of business organizations as well as apply relevant skills and knowledge to solve procurement and supply chain management tactical and operational challenges both in public and private institutions. It is useful for diploma level entrants who want to make a career in procurement, employees and executives of private sector and NGO sector that engage in direct or indirect supply of goods, services and also appropriate for those with experience in other aspects of business that wish to acquire a closer understanding of the procurement discipline.
For students taking this course, internship is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
For Direct entry scheme, candidates should possess A’ level certificate with a Principle pass or a certificate in any business field from a recognised institution or its equivalent.
The programme takes a duration of two (2) academic years and the student will receive a thorough grounding in all aspects of architecture and city building with praxis-oriented design and project work, the history of architecture, building science and construction management, design comprised of composition, drawing, model making, and CAAD, structural design, support structures and technical extensions.
The objective of the Architecture programme from IMLS is to provide students with a sound theoretical and practical base to enable them measure, value, cost and specify construction resources, and to become active players in the rational identification, utilization and control of resources within the construction industry.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
At IMLS, there is a possibility to acquire a Certificate in Architecture. There is an enrolment limit for this course.
Certificate Course
The entry requirement for students who would wish to enrol for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Automotive Mechanics
Automotive Mechanics
Certificate Course
The course takes duration of 2 years and students in this course will learn and master motor vehicle fault identification, repair, servicing and maintenance.
Motor Vehicle Driving: Trainees shall learn driving and motor vehicles operation.
Motorcycle repair: Trainees shall acquire the necessary expertise in motorcycle repair & maintenance. Non-formal training can be specifically organized for motorcycle repair and motor vehicle driving.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
The entry requirement for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Building Construction
Building Construction
Certificate Course
This course takes duration of 2 years and it involves different types and levels of technology that enable building structures of different magnitudes to be constructed. This course focuses on technologies, materials and methods employed in construction of building structures and other large building projects.
The traditional art of clay brick making and construction is celebrated but also improved with subjects that teach students methods of construction, how to work with other structural materials like concrete and cement as well as advanced with theory classes in science and mathematics. Our students benefit from a new computer lab with AutoCAD on each station and high-quality workshop space.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
The entry requirement for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Certificate Course
This course takes duration of two years and trainees shall acquire basic Arch and Gas Welding skills plus some other allied trades such as Sheet Metal Works. First Craft plumbing graduates are in high demand, and can often find employment opportunities in construction companies or can work as a plumbing/mechanical services maintenance technician. The students taking this course shall acquire the skills in the following areas: Water supply, Sewerage disposal, Maintenance of systems that supply and dispose water, Arch and Gas Welding, Installation of sanitary appliances, basic costing of plumbing works.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
The entry requirement for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Certificate in Electrical …
Certificate in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
Certificate Course
This course gives training in basic electrical principles connected with electrical wiring and maintenance of buildings and other structures.
This course shall be offered at Technical and Vocational for duration of two academic years and equated as Advanced level equivalent. A learner is allowed to complete the first year of study and go to the industry or world of work for employment or job creation. She/he is required to return to our institution to complete the course within five years from the time of first enrolment. The graduates qualify as crafts men and women.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
The entry requirement for this course shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma Course
The program takes duration of 2 years and prepares students to pursue careers in Civil Engineering that deals with construction of Buildings, roads, bridges, quantity surveying, structural designs. Graduates can upgrade in various bachelor’s degrees like Civil Engineering, Land Economics, Building Economics, surveying, Quantity surveying, Water Resources Engineering, Architecture among others.
For students taking this course, industrial training is mandatory with the help of the tutor. This has to be done in every year of study.
Note: There is an enrolment limit for this course.
At least a principal pass in either Physics or Mathematics obtained at the same sitting. Or advanced craft certificate or bachelor’s degree in physical sciences. IMLS offers this opportunity and there is great need to utilise the opportunity to provide this programme to enhance the world’s development speed.
The targeted group includes holders of: • Advanced Level Certificate of Education • Advanced/Full Technological Certificates in Engineering and other related Science and Technology fields • Diplomas in Engineering and other related Science and Technology fields
Our generic classes are based on a Semester and Quarter System with lessons conducted during day, evening and weekends to favor even the working and the highly time constrained students. Excellent and aspiring students will be assisted in acquiring relevant scholarships in Germany or any other country.
Our rich catalogue of programs provides a choice for all aspirations such as Technical, Business, Vocational and Music, all blended with ICT and Language in order to produce a wholesome graduate.
Dr. Joseph Wasswa - IMLS Initiator
"Music is an indispensable bridge that all human beings need to achieve moral stability, reach their secret destinations and thus gaining future prosperity."
Under the motto “versatile and diverse”, the Project Orchestra Karlsruhe, Germany, under the direction of Daniel Schuler, is organizing two charity concerts on March 18 and 19. All donations will go directly to the “Förderverein …
On 08/03 was International Women’s Day and IMLS was celebrating it. To support our women in the community and give back for all the love we are getting from them everyday, IMLS marched to Masaka …
Among our many programs, the holiday program is the most special one to us because we can give many kids and young adults the possibility to experience and enjoy music. Each kid can specialize in …